Cystic Fibrosis is the most common life-threatening genetic condition affecting Australian children and young people, and yet it is not well known or understood in the general community.
The author Tom Valenta, tells the story of his two grandsons and discovers that people living with CF and their families are very special people. Their ability to overcome hardships, endure pain and laugh at adversity is inspirational. For them, every breath they take is indeed precious.
Unexpectedly struck down with heart disease, Lucia Nardo underwent open-heart surgery. On recovery, she merged her professional expertise with her personal story to bring a message of hope and inspiration to people and families facing similar traumatic life-threatening surgical events. Heart to heart is the sometimes poignant and always humorous recounting of a journey of despair, hope and renewed life.
Reeling from the death of her mother from cancer, Sally Collings saw nothing positive whatsoever about the disease. But then she read that two out of three cancer survivors and their families consider something good has come of their experience and she decided to find out more. She sought out people who had encountered cancer - either personally or through someone close - and delved into what they thought.
Secret Garden of Spirituality is a book about hope and living life well and purposefully. It offers glimpses into eternity and explores, in a whimsical way, the secret garden of the soul. There are words of advice and common-sense, reflections and recollections and an abiding belief that faith enables us to find the heaven within and to live that out in the world. The secret garden of each person's spirituality is unique and inviolable; a place to nurture the interior self, a place where goodness can grow.
In this ground-breaking book, Elizabeth Gould details her own story as well as the stories of five cancer survivors. No diets or miracle cures, but a practical step-by-step approach to describing the emotional and physical journey through cancer into remission. Using her experience as a writer as well as a survivor, Elizabeth interviewed five other survivors all with different cancers and backgrounds to instil the 'secrets' to surviving cancer to complete her book 'Secrets of Cancer Survivors'. This is a book of hope, survival and how to discover your own path through an enormous physical and mental challenge.
By August 1995, John Coleman had lost his power of speech and was wondering how he could go on living. Suffering symptoms of Stage IV Parkinson's Disease, diagnosed by five medical and complementary practitioners, he was unable to walk more than five metres without assistance and took up to an hour and a half to dress himself.
John decided to pursue other pathways to health. With the aid of Homeopathy, Aqua Hydration Formulas, Bowen Therapy, Craniosacral therapy, Flower Essences, Counselling, Meditation and spiritual development, John was completely symptom-free by April 1998. This book explains how he achieved his road back to health and how the reader can learn from his advice.
For many people, the diagnosis of cancer seems like a death sentence... but it need not necessarily be so. Surviving Cancer brings us stories of hope and inspiration, from people who have successfully recovered from all kinds of cancers- even some against medical odds. We become aware of just how much more than pure medical/surgical treatment is involved in bringing about successful survival. The way we live, think and focus all come into play. Diet, meditation and finding the right mindset and strategies are powerful survival tools. A holistic approach melding body, mind and spirit, allow the body to unleash its full healing power.
This is the inspiring story of Sally White, wife and mother of two boys aged 13 and 11 years. The story explores her challenges with the medical profession and alternative therapies. After twelve months of repeated MRI scans and unenviable waiting, Sally decided it was time to make something happen. In May 2008, she met Dr Charlie Teo, an internationally renowned neurosurgeon, who challenged her to seek a second opinion and created hope through minimally invasive surgery that has allowed her to get on with living, not just surviving.
This book by Susan Ball brings to life the remarkable legacy of a woman, Anna Rose Paas, who through her determination, courage and joy of life, touched people's hearts and enabled them to find inner peace and love. Anna was born in 1985 with a very rare condition, Ring 22 Chromosome Abnormality. She defied the odds and lived far beyond her life expectancy with her condition. This book shares eighty-five life lessons Anna learned and shared.
Ian Gawler is Australia's best-known cancer survivor. His book, You Can Conquer Cancer was a revolutionary book when first published in 1984. It has been reprinted sixteen times and translated into German, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Polish, Sinhalese, Thai, Czech and Korean. It has become a classic and one of the most widely-read books on the subject of cancer prevention and management.